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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Potential barriers to implementing a bilingual /bicultural program for deaf children 1997 Sign language studies 93 (): 327-55
  • Mary Glenn Rinne
Sign and speech 1997 Sign language studies 93 (): 357-72
  • William Stockoe
Sign languages & language universals: the status of order & position in grammar 1996 Sign language studies 91 (): 101-60
  • Denis Bouchard
Bilingual, bimodal education for hearing kindergarten students 1996 Sign language studies 90 (): 25-37
  • Marilyn Daniels
The case for grammar, order and position in ASL: a reply to Bouchard and Dubuisson 1996 Sign language studies 90 (): 1-23
  • Benjamin Bahan
  • Carol Neidle
  • Dawn MacLaughlin
  • Jack Hoza
  • Judy Kegl
Numeric incorporating roots & non-incorporating prefixes in American sign language 1996 Sign language studies 92 (): 201-26
  • Scott K. Kiddell
A re-analysis of the creole status of American sign language 1996 Sign language studies 90 (): 80-94
  • Joe Salmons
  • Linda Lupton
Spatial, temporal and temporo-logical notions in French sign language: comparative study of deaf and hearing subjects 1996 Sign language studies 90 (): 38-51
  • Christine Maeder
  • Filip Loncke
Comment on Bouchard [see D Bouchard this issue, 101-60] 1996 Sign language studies 91 (): 162-70
  • William C. Stokoe
Seeing language working 1996 Sign language studies 91 (): 171-84
  • William C. Stokoe
Spaces in language 1996 Sign language studies 91 (): 185-95
  • William C. Stokoe
Modern standard Thai sign language, influence from ASL, and its relationship to original Thai sign varieties 1996 Sign language studies 92 (): 227-52
  • James Woodward
Aspects of Pakistan sign language 1996 Sign language studies 92 (): 253-96
  • Ulrike Zeshan
Everything old is new again: observations from the nineteenth century about sign communication training with mentally retarded children 1995 Sign language studies 88 (): 245-54
  • Amanda J. Miller
  • John D. Bonvillian
Grammar, order and position of wh-signs in Quebec sign language 1995 Sign language studies 87 (): 99-139
  • C. Dubisson
  • D. Bouchard
Checklist of dictionaries of national sign languages, 2.Sign Lang Stud 1994 (84) 277-85': erratum 1995 Sign language studies 87 (140):
  • S. J. Carmel
Private sign and literacy development in preschoolers with hearing loss 1995 Sign language studies 88 (): 201-26
  • John H. Cook
  • Melody Harrison
A comparison of spatial language in English and American sign language 1995 Sign language studies 88 (): 255-88
  • Karen Emmorey
  • Shannon Casey
Developing a concept of self 1995 Sign Language studies 86 (): 1-17
  • Gail Finn
Visible thought: deaf children's use of signed and spoken private speech 1995 Sign Language studies 86 (): 63-80
  • Janet Jamieson
American sign language and heterogeneous communication systems 1995 Sign language studies 89 (): 363-413
  • Elizabeth Macken
Language: mosaic or special faculty? 1995 Sign Language studies 86 (): 37-44
  • Douglas McArthur
Deaf culture working 1995 Sign Language studies 86 (): 81-94
  • William Stokoe
A perturbation in the information continuum 1995 Sign language studies 89 (): 347-56
  • William C. Stokoe
Signs, signing and the sign 1995 Sign language studies 88 (): 289-98
  • William C. Stokoe
Language: gene-created or handmade? 1995 Sign language studies 89 (): 331-46
  • William C. Stokoe
On cat's eyes, flightless birds and 'home sign' 1995 Sign language studies 87 (): 175-84
  • W. C. Stokoe
Deaf life on isolate Japanese islands 1995 Sign language studies 87 (): 167-74
  • H. Kimura
  • T. Torigoe
  • W. Takei
Comment on Turner [GH Turner, see below] 1994 Sign Language studies 83 (): 127-31
  • Y Andersson
Comment on Turner ['How is deaf culture? Another perspective on a fundamental concept' by GH Turner in Sign Lang Stud 1994 (83) 103-26, 149-54] 1994 Sign Language studies 84 (): 241-9
  • Ben Bahan
Checklist of dictionaries of national sign languages, 2 1994 Sign Language studies 84 (): 277-85
  • Simon J Carmel
A common conceptual code in bilinguals: evidence from simultaneous interpretation 1994 Sign Language studies 85 (): 291-317
  • HL Lane
  • William Isham
Comment on Turner [GH Turner, see below] 1994 Sign Language studies 83 (): 133-8
  • Trevor Johnston
Comment on Turner ['How is deaf culture? Another perspective on a fundamental concept' by GH Turner in Sign Lang Stud 1994 (83) 103-26, 149-54; with reply by Turner, see below] 1994 Sign Language studies 85 (): 329-36
  • Paddy Ladd
Effectiveness compared: ASL interpretation vs. transliteration [American Sign Language] 1994 Sign Language studies 82 (): 1-54
  • B Singer
  • S Livingston
  • T Abrahamson
Learning and recall of word-sign pairs: the impact of sign etymology 1994 Sign Language studies 82 (): 55-78
  • A E Maynard
  • G R Slavoff
  • J D Bonvillian
Bimodal communication, signing skill and tenseness 1994 Sign Language studies 84 (): 209-20
  • Lynn Messing
Comment on Turner [GH Turner, see below] 1994 Sign Language studies 83 (): 139-44
  • L F Monaghan
Comment on Turner ['How is deaf culture? Another perspective on a fundamental concept' by GH Turner in Sign Lang Stud 1994 (83) 103-26, 149-54] 1994 Sign Language studies 84 (): 251-64
  • George Montgomery
The properties of South African sign language: lexical diversity and syntactic unity 1994 Sign Language studies 85 (): 319-27
  • Claire Penn
  • T Reagan
Regional cerebral blood flow during sign language perception: deaf and hearing subjects with deaf parents compared 1994 Sign Language studies 84 (): 199-208
  • Brigitta Söderfeldt
  • J Risberg
  • J Rönnberg
Signs: vocal, visible, verbal...? 1994 Sign Language studies 85 (): 367-76
  • William Stokoe
Discovering a neglected language 1994 Sign Language studies 85 (): 377-82
  • William Stokoe
Instinctive language 1994 Sign Language studies 83 (): 167-75
  • W C Stokoe
Seeing clearly through fuzzy speech 1994 Sign Language studies 82 (): 85-91
  • W C Stokoe
Review 1994 Sign Language studies 82 (): 79-84
  • W C Stokoe
Comment on Turner ['How is deaf culture? Another perspective on a fundamental concept' by GH Turner in Sign Lang Stud 1994 (83) 103-26, 149-54] 1994 Sign Language studies 84 (): 265-70
  • William C Stokoe
Comment on Turner [GH Turner, see below] 1994 Sign Language studies 83 (): 145-8
  • B V Street
Response to comments by Bahan, Ladd, Montgomery, and further thoughts [reply to B Bahan and G Montgomery in Sign Lang Stud 1994 (84) 241-64, and to P Ladd, see above] 1994 Sign Language studies 85 (): 337-66
  • Graham Turner
"How" is deaf culture? Another perspective on a fundamental concept [with comments by Y Andersson, T Johnston, LF Monaghan and BV Street, see above, and reply by Turner] 1994 Sign Language studies 83 (): 103-26, 149-54
  • G H Turner