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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Sedentarization and ethnic identity among the Fulbe: a comparative view 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 35-60
  • V Azarya
Introduction [to special issue 'Unity and diversity of a people: the search for Fulbe identity' 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 1-9
  • C VerEecke
  • P K Eguchi
  • V Azarya
The place of dual organization in early Andean ceremonialism: a comparative review 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 97-116
  • L Salazar-Burger
  • R L Burger
'Fulbe-ness' in Fulbe oral literature of Cameroon 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 181-200
  • P K Eguchi
Changes in Hindu ritual: with a focus on the morning service 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 197-237
  • S Einoo
El complejo cultural Cupisnique: antecedentes y desarrollo de su ideología religiosa 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 229-57
  • C G Elera
Are the Mbororòen boring, and are the Fulbe finished? 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 11-34
  • C Frantz
El felino, el mundo subterráneo y el rito de fertilidad: tres elementos principales de la ideología andina 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 259-74
  • T Fujii
Fulbe people in African urban society: a comparative study of Cameroon and the Sudan 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 61-85
  • S Hino
Aspects of the evolution and cultural integration of Hinduism: the case of a purāṇa from Kashmir 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 185-95
  • Y Ikari
Seasons, rituals and society: the culture and society of Mithila, the Parbate Hindus and the Newars as seen through a comparison of their annual rites 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 35-84
  • H Ishii
The birth of the rice spirit: an essay in comparative ethnology 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 305-20
  • K Iwata
Regional variations in the marriage network and dowry system: a study of unity and diversity in Indian civilization 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 5-34
  • PaulP Karan
  • S Iijima
Resultados de las excavaciones en Kuntur Wasi, Cajamarca 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 203-28
  • Yasutake Kato
Dos modos de proceso socio-cultural: el horizonte temprano y el período intermedio temprano en el valle de Cajamarca 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 169-202
  • R Matsumoto
Representando el pasado: desfiles y disfraces en los Andes 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 275-88
  • L Millones
Estudio introductorio [to special issue 'El mundo ceremonial andino' 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 9-23
  • L Millones
  • Y Onuki
A study of Fula dialects: examining the continuous/stative constructions 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 215-30
  • R Miyamoto
Ethnic identity and social interaction: a reflection on Fulbe identity 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 119-37
  • R Ogawa
Las actividades ceremoniales tempranas en la cuenca del alto Huallaga y algunos problemas generales 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 69-96
  • Y Onuki
Early complex society and ceremonialism on the Peruvian north coast 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 45-68
  • S G Pozorski
  • T G Pozorski
Ceremonialism in the early Formative of Ecuador 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 25-43
  • J S Raymond
La transformación de los centros ceremoniales del período formativo en la cuenca de Cajamarca, Perú 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 143-68
  • Y Seki
The belief world of the Tamils as seen in their 'village gods': blood sacrifices and 'pollution' 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 125-83
  • Y Sekine
Unité et diversité du monde peul à travers sa production littérairé quelques aperçus 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 163-79
  • C Seydou
Jihad as dialectical movement and formation of Islamic identity among the Fulbe 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 87-117
  • Y Shimada
"Homa" in Vedic ritual: the structure of the "darŚa-pūrṇamāsa" 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 239-67
  • M Tachikawa
Why are Brahman temple priests highest in the caste hierarchy? A case of Chidambaram Naṭarāja temple, south India 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 85-123
  • Masakazu Tanaka
Los ritos contemporáneos de camélidos y la ceremonia de la Citua 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 289-306
  • H Tomoeda
Moieties and ceremonialism in the Andes: the ritual battles of the carnival season in southern Peru 1993 Senri ethnological studies 37 (): 117-42
  • G Urton
Sub-national Fulbe identity in Nigeria? Responses to political change in post-independence times 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 139-61
  • C VerEecke
The forms and functions of the Aiyaṉār temple complex: a preliminary study on the cult of male godlings in rural Tamil Nadu 1993 Senri ethnological studies 36 (): 269-303
  • H Yamashita
Ethnic and cultural characteristics of the Fulbe 1993 Senri ethnological studies 35 (): 201-13
  • G V Zubko
Significance of silk roads today: proposal for a historical atlas 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 27-32
  • S Akiner
The demise and enthronement of the Asantehene: political aspects of Asante kingship 1992 Senri ethnological studies 31 (): 503-34
  • S Akutsu
Chinese impact on Mamluk minor arts 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 147-70
  • H el- Basha
Significance of silk road to human civilization: its cultural dimension 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 21-6
  • A H Dani
Turkish contributions to cultural and commercial life along silk road 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 171-92
  • N Diyarbekirli
'The Europeans are not good': a Ful e "mbooku" poem of protest 1992 Senri ethnological studies 31 (): 465-80
  • P K Eguchi
Silk roads: past and future 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 1-3
  • V Elisseeff
Mestizos e incas en el Cuzco 1992 Senri ethnological studies 33 (): 168-82
  • Ochoa J A Flores
Music on silk roads: ancient and modern times 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 45-8
  • T Fujii
Los curacas del Collao y la conformación de la cultura mestiza andina 1992 Senri ethnological studies 33 (): 52-102
  • T Gisbert
Physical ornamentation in Tang dynasty zoomorphic design 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 61-75
  • R Hayashi
Buddhist triad icon in Gandhara: its spread eastward and transformation 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 77-90
  • K Higashiyama
Silk road: a culture of imported goods 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 33-5
  • T Higuchi
Cultural exchange on the ancient steppe route: some observations on Pazyryk heritage 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 5-20
  • Kyuzo Kato
Small Buddhist images from Siberia's far east 1992 Senri ethnological studies 32 (): 97-101
  • Kyuzo Kato
Language as an ultra-human power and the authority of leaders as marginal men: rethinking Kipsigis administrative chiefs in the colonial period 1992 Senri ethnological studies 31 (): 105-57
  • T Komma
La interrelación creativa del quechua y del español en la literatura peruana de lengua española 1992 Senri ethnological studies 33 (): 27-49
  • M Lienhard