Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Taking Scotland overseas: a study of Scottish exhibits and Scottish connections at the international exhibitions beyond British shores, with special reference to the Vienna International Exhibition/Weltausstellung, 1873 | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 1-27 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Fuinn air an inntinn: a case study in the composition of eighteenth-century Gaelic song | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 28-56 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Macbeth and the 'weird sisters' - on fates and witches | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 57-79 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The ear of the beholder: John Mackenzie of The Beauties | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 80-178 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Tam o' Shanter 's Geansaidh Snàith': the innovative work songs of Gaelic-speaking herring gutters | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 179-217 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
An interpretation of 'How the Wran came out of Ailssay' (Gavin Douglas, The Palice of Honour, 1. 1713) as a version of the cumulative tale 'Henny Penny' | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 218-24 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Friendship, faith and the Bard MacLean | 2022 | Scottish studies 39 (): 225-50 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Songs of the Hebrides and the critics | 2015-2018 | Scottish studies 38 (): 1-54 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
The cultivation and preservation of the martial music of the highlands by the Highland Society of London | 2015-2018 | Scottish studies 38 (): 55-71 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Storytelling among lowland Scots since 1800: an all-female, upper-middle-class family oral tradition in the context of written tales collections | 2015-2018 | Scottish studies 38 (): 72-104 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
William Dawson (1734-1815): improver and philosopher | 2015-2018 | Scottish studies 38 (): 105-17 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
John McInnes: a biographical note | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): x-xxii | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Recorded by the School of Scottish Studies...': the impact of the tape-recorder in a rural community | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 1-5 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Griogal Cridhe': aspects of transmission in the lament for Griogair Ruadh Mac Griogair of Glen Strae | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 6-36 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'A Bhean Úd Thall!': Macallaí Idirghaelacha i bhFilíocht Bhéil na mBan | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 37-47 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'and yes I said yes I will Yes' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 48-52 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Tha Feum Air Cabhaig': the initiative of the Folklore Institute of Scotland | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 53-62 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Clan chief, clan emabarassment: the seventeenth-century Campbells | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 63-9 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Air do Dheagh Shlàinte Iain Mhic Aonghuis | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 70-1 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The School of Scottish Studies and language policy and planning for Gaelic | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 72-82 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'The disembowelled horse': a place-name tale from Gaelic oral tradition | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 83-5 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Cacmhor an Comann na Goill' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 86-93 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Grafting culture: on the development and diffusion of the Strathspey in Scottish music | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 94-104 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The legendary history of Alasdair MacColla as received from Dugald Macdougall of Crubasdale, Kintyre, in 1825 | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 105-13 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Coire agus Coin-Shìdh am Beàrnaraigh | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 114-16 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Yeatsian shades in Ó Direáin and Macgill-Eain | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 117-24 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
An t-Each-Uisge | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 125-33 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
An axle and two wheels: material culture and memory in a Sutherland emigrant family of the nineteenth century | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 134-41 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
From Stornoway to 'mortuary view': a memoir | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 142-8 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Luchd na Gàidhlig and the 'detritus of a nation' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 149-54 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
John Bunyan in the kilt: the influence of Bunyan texts on religious expression and experience in the Scottish highlands and islands | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 155-63 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The Great Caledonian Forest of the mind: highland woods and tree symbolism in Scottish Gaelic tradition | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 164-73 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Seán Bán Mac Grianna and 'Christine Keeler' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 174-82 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Am Buaadhfhacal Meadhan-Aoiseach Meranach agus mearan, mearanach, dàsan(n)ach na Gàidhlig | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 183-206 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The significance of music in the Gàidhealthachd in the pre- and early-historic period | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 207-21 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
'Có às don Chorra-Ghiullan Ghlas?' | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 222-9 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Mì-thuigse, Dìth Tuigse, Tàthagan: Buannachd nam Mearachd ann an Cruinneachaidhean Beul-Aithris Alasdair MhicGille Mhìcheil | 2014 | Scottish studies 37 (): 230-44 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
The Rev. William Matheson and the performance of Scottish Gaelic 'strophic' verse | 2013 | Scottish studies 36 (): 15-44 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Piping sung: women, Canntaireachd and the role of the tradition-bearer | 2013 | Scottish studies 36 (): 45-65 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Reeling in the strathspey: the origins of Scotland's national music | 2013 | Scottish studies 36 (): 66-102 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
The good man's croft | 2013 | Scottish studies 36 (): 103-24 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Learning and remembering Gaelic stories: Brian Stewart | 2013 | Scottish studies 36 (): 125-39 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
A bawdy new year's rhyme from Gaelic Scotland | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 1-35 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Carnival and other festivity in Scotland in the nineteenth century | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 36-58 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Brìgh 'Chiùil: vernacular ear-learned piping in Cape Breton and south UIst explored through Seanchas-based narratives | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 59-91 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
'Hildina' - a Norn ballad in Shetland | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 92-105 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
A hero's lament: Aithbrheac inghean Coirceadail's lament for Niall Óg mac Néill | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 106-19 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ONLY ISBN | |||
Supernatural beings in the far north: folklore, folk belief, and the Selkie | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 120-43 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Prophecy and cultural conflict in Gaelic tradition | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 144-73 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] | ||||
Caterwauling and demon raising: the ancient rite of the Taghairm? | 2007-2010 | Scottish studies 35 (): 174-208 | H6/KVC [SCOTTISH-] |