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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Food stereotypes and health care 1981 South Pacific bulletin 31 (1): 3-6
  • T K Fitzgerald
Paddles of the Pacific islands 1981 South Pacific bulletin 31 (1): 17-19, 22
  • B Gillett
Ponape Small Industries Center 1981 South Pacific bulletin 31 (1): 23-4
  • D Graham
The Marshall islands moving towards independence 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (2): 35-6
  • Anonymous
Small animal husbandry in family units on atolls 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (3): 17-19
  • P Daynes
An approach to nutrition and health problems in the Tuamotu islands 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (3): 30-6
  • B Philippe
  • J M Senelart
  • K H Delebecque
  • P Delebecque
The Opunohu Agricultural High School in French Polynesia: an example of practical agricultural training in the South Pacific 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (2): 27-30
  • G Gineste
National youth movement to provide alternative to urban life [Papua New Guinea] 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (4): 15-19
  • M Hiari
An overview of agriculture on some Pacific atolls 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (3): 8-13
  • M Lambert
Training course on pig and poultry production 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (1): 24-5
  • M Lambert
Sub-regional training course of coconut production (Santo, New Hebrides, and Apia, Western Samoa) 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (1): 19-21
  • M Lambert
What is an atoll? 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (3): 4-8
  • J Newhouse
Atoll survival: a century of Palmerston 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (4): 31-8
  • P T I Pryor
Charcoal: an old fuel which can meet new needs 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (1): 11-14
  • J Richolson
How successful is small holding farming in the South Pacific islands? 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (1): 3-10, 14
  • F Sevele
Taro irrigation in the Pacific: a call for more research 1980 South Pacific bulletin 30 (1): 15-18
  • M Spriggs
Tongan nutrition study gives an unexpected result 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (1): 13-16
  • M L Richards
  • W F Clark
Dengue control in Guam [Vietnam refugees] 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (2): 16-21, 24
  • K Cruz
  • R A Mackie
  • R L Haddock
Health education in French Polynesia 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (4): 33-5
  • B Jabre
Long-term development programme in Solomon islands 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (1): 31-4
  • L James
Appropriate technology in Papua New Guinea 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (4): 13-16
  • S Kalmakoff
Rural development in Western Samoa 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (3): 3-6
  • J E Kebbell
Modernization and mental health: the situation in the Pacific islands today 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (2): 12-15
  • H B M Murphy
English language in schools: do you need two reading levels? 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (1): 35-7
  • A Purdy
The Tuvalu archives/library 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (2): 3-6
  • D Munro
  • J Sommerhauser
The Pelehake village improvement project (kingdom of Tonga) 1979 South Pacific bulletin 29 (4): 17-19, 32
  • L Tupou
Tapa cloth and T-shirts: business and work in Pacific villages 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (4): 11-13
  • A Bollard
Melanesian shell money's new economic role 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (4): 17-23
  • J Connell
Theses and dissertations on the South Pacific: French Polynesia. 3 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (2): 42-4
  • W G Coppell
Theses and dissertations on the South Pacific: Solomon islands 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (3): 34-7
  • W G compiler Coppell
Theses and dissertations on the South Pacific: French Polynesia. 2 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (1): 36-8
  • W G Coppell compiler
Migration and reciprocal changes in diet [Cook islands] 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (3): 30-3
  • T Fitzgerald
Research programme on tumuli in New Caledonia 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (1): 18
  • D Frimigacci
  • J P Maitre
Reef and lagoon tenure systems in the Pacific islands 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (4): 31-2, 34
  • R E Johannes
Consumerism in Micronesia 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (1): 9-14
  • N Rody
Food for tomorrow's children [nutrition education in Yap] 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (2): 15-20
  • N Rody
South Pacific tuna fishing - a changing scene 1978 South Pacific bulletin 28 (4): 14-15
  • W A Wilkinson
The 'population problem' in the south Pacific. 2, The exploding "population bomb" 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (4): 17-22
  • M L Bakker
The 'population problem' in the south Pacific 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (3): 7-13
  • M L Bakker
Theses and dissertations on the south Pacific: French Polynesia. 1 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (4): 44-5
  • W G Coppell
Theses et memoires sur l'Oceanie 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (1): 46
  • W G Coppell
Theses and dissertations on the South Pacific [Tonga] 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (2): 42-4
  • W G Coppell compiler
Principles and problems of land tenure in the Pacific 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (2): 17-22
  • R Crocombe
Suicide epidemic among Micronesian youth 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (2): 5-10
  • F X Hezel
Un probleme vital en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinee: l'approvisionnement des villages en eau 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (1): 33-9, 47
  • C H Kidd
Le Musee de Tahiti et des Iles 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (1): 28-31
  • A Lavondes
Tearaka: village change on Bougainville. 2, Land use (after introduction of major cash crops) 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (2): 29-33
  • J Monsen
Tearaka: un village de Bougainville en mutation 1977 South Pacific bulletin 27 (1): 5-9
  • J Monsen
Circular migration and uncontrolled migration in the New Hebrides: proposals for an effective urban migration policy 1976 South Pacific bulletin 26 (4): 7-13
  • J Bonnemaison
Theses and dissertations on the South Pacific 1976 South Pacific bulletin 26 (4): 49-51
  • W G Coppell