Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
On the origin and development of the Spanish para-Romani dialect 2022 Romani studies 32 (1): 1-21
  • Ignasi-Xavier Adiego
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Belonging, mobility, and the socialist policies in Kapišová, Slovakia 2022 Romani studies 32 (1): 23-50
  • Jan Ort
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
"We had to run away": the Lovára's departure from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to Slovakia in 1939 2022 Romani studies 32 (1): 51-83
  • Markéta Hajská
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
A right to home or an individual preference? The impact of the definition of home in international and European legislation on cases concerning Roma, Travellers, and Gypsies 2022 Romani studies 32 (1): 85-103
  • Silvia Cittadini
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Peripheral inclusion? Gypsy Roma Traveller Police Association officers speak out 2022 Romani studies 32 (1): 105-27
  • Anthony Drummond
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Reconstruction of proto-Romani demonstratives 2022 Romani studies 32 (2): 151-84
  • Mikhail Oslon
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Vowel length in Selice Romani: phonology, morphophonology, and diachrony 2022 Romani studies 32 (2): 185-219
  • Viktor Elšík
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Development of phonemic length alternation in adjectives and possessive pronouns in south central Romani 2022 Romani studies 32 (2): 221-45
  • Jakob Wiedner
  • Zuzana Bodnárová
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Performance of Romani ethnicity in Klenovec: the pariahdom boundary and its markers 2022 Romani studies 32 (2): 247-68
  • Petr Nuska
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Romani migration from the Czech Republic to Canada: Czech media communication 2022 Romani studies 32 (2): 269-92
  • Zdeněk Uherek
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Understanding and legitimizing Gypsy slavery in the traditional Romanian society - the life of St Gregory of Agrigento 2022 Romani studies 32 (2): 295-315
  • Petre Matei
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Obscure years of Soviet Roma literature (1939-1941) 2021 Romani studies 31 (1): 5-28
  • Viktor Shapoval
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
The living conditions of Gypsy slaves in early nineteenth-century Wallachia 2021 Romani studies 31 (1): 29-55
  • David Gaunt
  • Julieta Rotaru
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
A tale of one home, one fence, and one bridge: Roma and non-Roma perspectives 2021 Romani studies 31 (1): 57-76
  • Ewa Nowicka
  • Maciej Witkowski
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Attitudinal ambivalence towards the Romanian Roma: a comparison between Italian and French students 2021 Romani studies 31 (1): 77-99
  • Anna Maria Meneghini
  • Francesco Fattori
  • Grégoire Cousin
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Public administration, legal culture, and empirical research: residential policies for the Sinti in Venice 2021 Romani studies 31 (1): 101-21
  • Claudia Mantovan
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Religiosity and spirituality among the Gypsy/Roma in twenty-first-century Europe: theoretical framing and ethnographic perspectives 2021 Romani studies 31 (2): 143-54
  • Tatiana Zachar Podolinská
  • Tomáš Hrustič
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Traditional Romani Christianity vs Pentecostal and neo-Protestant Christianity: a grounded picture of religiosity and spirituality among the Roma in twenty-first century Slovakia 2021 Romani studies 31 (2): 155-88
  • Tatiana Zachar Podolinská
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Between global and local: Roma Pentecostal Church identity in Serbia 2021 Romani studies 31 (2): 189-209
  • Melody J. Wachsmuth
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Cases of contemporary re-Islamization among Roma in Bulgaria 2021 Romani studies 31 (2): 211-30
  • Yelis Erolova
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Intersecting religion and ethnicity: drawing boundaries in talk-in-interaction 2021 Romani studies 31 (2): 231-58
  • Maria Klessman
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Evangelical transformations of empowerment and female Romani pastors 2021 Romani studies 31 (2): 259-76
  • Magdalena Slavkova
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Praying through the pandemic: religion, uncertainty, and care 2021 Romani studies 31 (2): 277-97
  • Markéta Doležalová
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
"Good soldiers and even heroes"; or from the history of the Roma in Croatia and Slavonia during the First World War 2020 Romani studies 30 (1): 1-14
  • Danijel Vojak
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
The memory of Spanish Gypsies: scholarship, oral history, and archive research 2020 Romani studies 30 (1): 15-47
  • Carmen Cañete Quesada
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
The forced assimilation Gypsy policy in Socialist Hungary 2020 Romani studies 30 (1): 49-87
  • Tamás Hajnáczky
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
A constant border-crossing: conversion and Evangelical Charismatic Christian identity among the Roma in Estonia and Latvia 2020 Romani studies 30 (1): 89-113
  • Eva-Liisa Roht-Yilmaz
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Introductory words to the special issue by the guest editors 2020 Romani studies 30 (2): 127-33
  • Lorely French
  • Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf
  • Sofiya Zahova
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Beginning of Romani literature: the case of Alexander Germano 2020 Romani studies 30 (2): 135-61
  • Elena Marushiakova
  • Vesselin Popov
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Romani literary endeavours in the Czech Republic: a historical survey 2020 Romani studies 30 (2): 163-80
  • Karolína Ryvolová
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Finding a voice: the Slovak-Roma woman writer in Irish and Czech fiction 2020 Romani studies 30 (2): 181-200
  • Charles Sabatos
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Literary negotiations of hybrid identity: French narratives on young female Romani migrants in France - a case study 2020 Romani studies 30 (2): 201-15
  • Marina Ortrud M. Hertrampf
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
The concept of baxt in the bilingual short-story collection glücksmacher - e baxt romani by Samuel Mago and Károly Mágó 2020 Romani studies 30 (2): 217-41
  • Lorely French
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Romani literature and its digital forms 2020 Romani studies 30 (2): 243-66
  • Sofiya Zahova
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
A community without history? A life story approach to Romany memory and ethnicity 2019 Romani studies 29 (1): 27-49
  • Edmunds Šūpulis
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Discrimination or not? Romani children in Polish special schools and diagnoses of intellectual disability 2019 Romani studies 29 (1): 51-83
  • Daniel Dzida
  • Halina Grzymała-Moszcyńska
  • Joanna Grzymała-Moszcyńska
  • Krystian Barzykowski
  • Magdalena Kosno
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
An invisible minority: Romany Gypsies and the question of whiteness 2019 Romani studies 29 (1): 1-25
  • Emily Webb
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
The social construction of identity in the Golestan quarter of Sabzevar: narrative research of challenges and identity of the Ghorbat community 2019 Romani studies 29 (1): 85-110
  • Hossein Ghodrati
  • Mosareza Gharbi
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Sterilization policy and Gypsies in Finland 2018 Romani studies 28 (1): 109-39
  • Markku Mattila
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Czech and Slovak Romani on the path abroad: migration and human personality 2018 Romani studies 28 (1): 79-108
  • Zdeněk Uherek
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Barbu Constantinescu, the first Romanian scholar of Romani studies 2018 Romani studies 28 (1): 41-78
  • Julieta Rotaru
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Gender, ethnicity, and education in lăutar (Romani musician) families in Romania: personal and professsional strategies for twenty-first-century life choices 2018 Romani studies 28 (1): 5-40
  • Margaret H. Beissinger
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Teneke mahalles in the late Ottoman capital: a socio-spatial ground for the co-habitation of Roma immigrants and the local poor 2018 Romani studies 28 (2): 157-94
  • Egemen Yilgür
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Gypsies in the Russian empire: theories and practices addressing their situation during the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth century 2018 Romani studies 28 (2): 195-217
  • Vladimir N. Shaidurov
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
"Neither here, nor there": belonging, ambiguity, and the struggle for recognition among "in-between" Finnish Kaale 2018 Romani studies 28 (2): 239-62
  • Raluca Bianca Roman
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Variation between the copula si "to be" and the l-clitics in Romani spoken in Mexico 2018 Romani studies 28 (2): 263-92
  • Cristian Padure
  • Evangelia Adamou
  • Stefano De Pascale
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Intersecting stories and gender support systems in Violet Cannon's Gypsy princess: the true story of Romany childhood 2018 Romani studies 28 (2): 219-38
  • Martin Shaw
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Intersectionality theory and Bosnian Roma: understanding violence and displacement 2017 Romani studies 27 (1): 1-28
  • Jennifer Erickson
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
Seven varieties of Arli: Skopje as a center of convergence and divergence of Romani dialects 2017 Romani studies 27 (1): 29-45
  • Victoria A. Friedman
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748
The 'Piano Nomadi' and its pyramidal governance: the hidden mechanism underlying the 'camp system' in Rome 2017 Romani studies 27 (1): 47-71
  • Riccardo Armillei
H6 [GYPSY-] 1528-0748