Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Thirteenth and fourteenth century ceramic decoration and social groups in the central Great Plains 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (265): 3-37
  • Douglas B. Bamforth
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The best laid plains: assembage formation and abandonment at two house sites in the central plains 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (265): 38-73
  • Brad Logan
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
A cross-cultural study of the life history of stone pipes in the plains 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (265): 74-96
  • Alison M. Hadley
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
In memoriam: Fern Elaine Swenson (1954–2022) 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (265): 97-9
  • Amy C. Bleier
  • Paul R. Picha
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Pipe forms and regional interaction spheres in the Great Plains and U.S. Southwest: a view from Scott County Pueblo (14SC1) 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (266): 107-33
  • Margaret E. Beck
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
A linear mound concentration in the central Des Moines River valley 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (266): 134-45
  • William Whittaker
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Plains Indian German silver from Oklahoma: the Smithsonian's Davis collection 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (266): 146-75
  • Candace S. Greene
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
A DStretch discovery: a Crow calling card pictograph at Writing-on-Stone 2023 Plains anthropologist 68 (266): 176-96
  • James D. Keyser
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Dry Creek medicine bundle, northeastern Wyoming: patterns, outliers, and the importance of small sites 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (261): 3-18
  • John Greer
  • Mavis Greer
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
A rediscovered beveled osseous rod: clarification of the archaeological record 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (261): 19-32
  • Kathleen Holen
  • Marcel Kornfeld
  • Steven Holen
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Restructuring family production and reproduction on the Rocky Boy's Reservation, 1916–1934 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (261): 33-68
  • Gregory Campbell
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Late prehistoric period fired clay objects and zoomorphic figurines in the eastern Powder River basin of Wyoming 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (261): 69-92
  • Gene Munson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Obituary, George Carr Frison (1924–2020) 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (261): 93-8
  • Julie Francis
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Site occupation spans at Middle Ceramic Antelope Creek phase sites in the southern plains of Texas 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 103-18
  • Abby Payton
  • C. Britt Bousman
  • Christopher R. Liritz
  • Holly Meier
  • James K. Feathers
  • Michael Mudd
  • Phil Dering
  • Rob Curran
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Recent zooarchaeological investigations at the Boarding School site (24GL302), Glacier County, Montana 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 119-48
  • Brandi Bethke
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Decentring archaeology: indigenizing GIS models of movement on the plains 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 149-71
  • Terry Beaulieu
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Riding to the rescue: an addition to the Plains Biographic rock art lexicon 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 172-93
  • Linea Sundstrom
  • Michael Paul Jordan
  • Timothy McCleary
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Don’t fence them in: comment on “Perishable artifacts from Last Canyon Cave, Montana” 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 194-6
  • Linea Sundstrom
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Fencing is perishable: reply to “Don’t fence them in” 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 197-203
  • J.M. Adovasio
  • Judson B. Finley
  • Marcel Kornfeld
  • Mary Lou Larson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Obituary, W. Raymond Wood, 1931–2020 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 204-9
  • Thomas D. Thiessen
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Ógle Wakȟáŋ Kiŋ: relational materiality and the Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (263): 219-39
  • Fredrik Jansson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Local freshwater shell bead production at Cluny Fortified Village (EePf-1), south-central Alberta 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (263): 240-65
  • Margaret Patton
  • Shalcey Dowkes
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Northern plains late precontact and historic period winter sand dune usage by bison and human populations 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (263): 266-96
  • Timothy Panas
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Dating stone arrangements using luminescence: more data from the northern Great Plains 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (263): 297-322
  • Brian Reeves
  • James K. Feathers
  • Joshua Chase
  • Lynelle Peterson
  • Margaret Kennedy
  • Scott Wagers
  • Stephen Aaberg
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
In memoriam: David Mayer Gradwohl (1934–2022) 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (263): 323-8
  • Nancy Osborn Johnsen
  • Stephen C. Lensink
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Analysis of the protohistoric period fauna from the Scott County Pueblo site in western Kansas 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (264): 337-71
  • Faith D. Wilfong
  • Matthew E. Hill Jr.
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Investigations at Goodson Shelter, Oklahoma 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (264): 372-404
  • Brian N. Andrews
  • Briggs Buchanan
  • David Meltzer
  • Metin I. Eren
  • Ryan Breslawski
  • Susan M. Mentzer
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Red pigment in the Central Plains: a Pawnee case at Kitkahahki Town 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (264): 405-30
  • Brandi L. MacDonald
  • Jeffrey R. Ferguson
  • Margaret E. Beck
  • Mary J. Adair
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Natural disasters and interregional interactions: la longue durée in northern Plains historical developments 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (257): 1-33
  • Gerald A. Oetelaar
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
New investigations at Bonfire Shelter, Texas examine controversial bison jumps and bone beds 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (257): 34-57
  • J. David Kilby
  • Marcus J. Hamilton
  • Sean P. Farrell
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Reanalysis of equid faunal remains from the Blacks Fork River site (48SW8319): a unique look at a protohistoric horse in Wyoming 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (257): 58-73
  • Cassidee A. Thornhill
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Comments on “Tables 1–3 in Mesoamerican Mississippian interaction across the far southern plains by long-range Toyah intermediaries” (Carpenter 2020, Plains Anthropologist) 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (258): 83-5
  • Timothy K. Perttula
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Caddo or Cahokian? Stylistic and compositional analyses of a fine-engraved vessel from northwest Iowa 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (258): 86-199
  • Cynthia Strong
  • George R. Holley
  • James B. Stoltman
  • Jeffrey R. Ferguson
  • Joseph A. Tiffany
  • William Green
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
The geographic origin of Clovis technology: insights from Clovis biface caches 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (258): 120-48
  • Alan R. Schroedl
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
“We commited ten of our number to the silent tomb”: the archaeological evidence of the Walnut Creek massacre, Kansas (14BT301) 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (258): 149-70
  • Douglas D. Scott
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
New discoveries of Vertical Series and Foothills abstract rock art at Writing-on-Stone DgOv-2, southern Alberta 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (259): 179-216
  • Jack W. Brink
  • Landon Bendiak
  • Michael Turney
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Bayesian analysis of the chronology of the Lynch site (25BD1) and comparisons to the Central Plains Tradition and Central Plains Oneota 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (259): 217-41
  • Carlton Shield Chief Gover
  • Douglas B. Bamforth
  • Kristen Carlson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Changing patterns of stylistic diversity in Blackfoot biographic art across the nineteenth century 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (259): 242-66
  • James D. Keyser
  • Stephen J. Lycett
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Obituary, James O. Marshall III (1934–2021) 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (259): 269-75
  • Marlin F. Hawley
  • Virginia A. Wulfkuhle
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Mortars, maize, and Central Plains Tradition farmers 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (260): 348-72
  • Douglas B. Bmforth
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Perishable artifacts from Last Canyon Cave, Montana 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (260): 373-89
  • J.M. Adovasio
  • Judson B. Finley
  • Marcel Kornfeld
  • Mary Lou Larson
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Mobility and ceramic paste choice: petrographic analysis of prehistoric pottery from northeastern Colorado 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (260): 277-312
  • Halston Pelton
  • Jason M. LaBelle
  • Mary F. Ownby
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Florence-A chert end scrapers from the Lasley Vore (34TU65), Deer Creek (34KA3) and Longest (34JF1) sites and the eighteenth-century southern plains hide trade 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (260): 313-47
  • Richard R. Drass
  • Sarah Trabert
  • Stephen M. Perkins
  • Susan C. Vehik
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Culture, resource, management, and anthropology: pipelines and the wakan at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (253): 7-24
  • Sebastian Felix Braun
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Middle Mississippian ceramics in the northern hinterlands: red-slipped pottery in initial Middle Missouri sites 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (253): 25-42
  • L. Adrien Hannus
  • Margaret E. Beck
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Plant remains and associated insects from the Millipede site (13ML361), a burned earthlodge in southwest Iowa 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (253): 43-76
  • Ronald C. Schirmer
  • William Green
  • William T. Billeck
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Obituary, Robert W. Neuman (1930–2019) 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (254): 85-7
  • Kathleen Byrd
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Microblade technology, obsidian sourcing, and the Cody complex in early Holocene Alberta 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (254): 88-120
  • Martin P.R. Magne
  • Richard E. Hughes
  • Todd J. Kristensen
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Refining chronology for surface collections: a new adaptation of morphological dichotomous keys for the Plains Typology and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (254): 121-49
  • Lawrence C. Todd
  • Rachel Reckin
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Ambrose Bierce’s Indian inscriptions: pictographic records of Indian-White conflict along the Bozeman Trail 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (254): 150-73
  • James D. Keyser
  • Linea Sundstrom
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447