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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Magic, diversity and interpretations of San rock paintings in southern Africa 2001 Pictogram 12 (): 52-8
  • Anne Solomon
*H6/KE [PICTOGRAM-] 1028-7485
Paintings of cow's udders in twisted persepctive: a regional phenomenon in the rock art of the eastern Sahara, reviewed in a wider context 2001 Pictogram 12 (): 36-51
  • Friederich Berger
*H6/KE [PICTOGRAM-] 1028-7485
Rock art and environment: some examples from the Brandberg, Namibia 2001 Pictogram 12 (): 29-35, [i-xviii]
  • Helmut Reuning
*H6/KE [PICTOGRAM-] 1028-7485
The problems and potentials of developing and managing public rock art sites in southern Africa 2001 Pictogram 12 (): 4-11
  • Sven Ouzman
*H6/KE [PICTOGRAM-] 1028-7485
Rock art and motivation: the evidence from Magageng 2001 Pictogram 12 (): 14-18
  • Frans E. Prins
*H6/KE [PICTOGRAM-] 1028-7485
Rock paintings and the instinct of reflection: a perspective of a Jungian psychologist 2001 Pictogram 12 (): 19-22
  • Peter Ammann
*H6/KE [PICTOGRAM-] 1028-7485
A pictorial device: the dynamic action of water in a few depictions of rain animals 2001 Pictogram 12 (): 23-8
  • Renaud Ego
*H6/KE [PICTOGRAM-] 1028-7485
Phenomenal attributes and elemental forms in the rock art ritualism of western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming, U.S.A 2000 Pictogram 11 (2): 6-11
  • Jack Steinbring
Management, conservation and presentation of indigenous rock art in Queensland, Australia 2000 Pictogram 11 (2): 1-5
  • Natalie Franklin
Will the Brandberg survive as a rock art paradise in Namibia? 2000 Pictogram 11 (2): 22-4
  • Shirley-Ann Pager
Rock art site management in Namibia with particular focus at Twyfelfontein 2000 Pictogram 11 (2): 16-22
  • Goodman Gwasira
Pigment and paint analyses and their potential in San rock art research 2000 Pictogram 11 (2): 12-16
  • Anne Solomon
Petroglyphs 'old' and [new]: some photographs and comments 1999 Pictogram 10 (2): 27-33
  • H. C. Bert Woodhouse
Baboons (Papio ursinus) in the rock art of southern Africa 1999 Pictogram 10 (2): 20-4
  • H. C. Bert Woodhouse
The Melikane rock painting in Lesotho, compared to a photograph of a [buckjumper] recorded in the southern Kalahari in 1934 1999 Pictogram 10 (2): 25-7
  • Francis Thackeray
Thoughts on therianthropes, myth and method 1999 Pictogram 10 (2): 10-16
  • Anne Solomon
The petroglyphs and rock art inscriptions of Fuerteventura, Canary islands 1999 Pictogram 11 (1): 54-6
  • Werner Pichler
Mysticism, myth or misconception an important, previously unrecorded site in the Matopo, Zimbabwe 1999 Pictogram 11 (1): 45-53
  • Elspeth Parry
Rock engravings - ancient and modern 1999 Pictogram 10 (2): 16-20
  • J. R. Masson
  • S. F. Masson
Domestic dogs in South African rock art 1999 Pictogram 10 (2): 1-9
  • D. N. Lee
Images of shamans or imaginary shamanism? 1999 Pictogram 11 (1): 20-44
  • Jean-Loic Le Quellec
Zuuerberg: the art gallery of prehistoric engravings 1999 Pictogram 11 (1): 59-63
  • Johan Jacobs
Engraved chariots of Fezzan (Libya) 1999 Pictogram 11 (1): 1-19
  • C. Gauthier
  • Y. Gauthier
The australopithecine [art] manuport from Makapansgat: an analysis 1999 Pictogram 11 (1): 56-8
  • Robert G. Bednarik
Tessa's pool (eastern Zimbabwe): a possible [self portrait] of an artist 1998 Pictogram 10 (1): 36-42
  • Giancarlo Negro
Do polar bears attack penguins? Rock art research in northern and southern Africa 1998 Pictogram 10 (1): 17-21
  • Tilman Lenssen-Erz
The rock art of the Limpopo-Shashi confluence, South Africa and Zimbabwe: an overview 1998 Pictogram 10 (1): 1-17
  • Ed Eastwood
Images chamaniques dans l'art rupestre du Sahara 1998 Pictogram 10 (1): 22-36
  • François Soleilhavoup
Rock art in Namibia 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 12-13, 15
  • Robert Camby
The empiricist impasse revisited [reply to S Hall and others, see below] 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 17-21
  • Robert Bednarik
'Bas-reliefs' cut into silicaceous deposits on quartsitic sandstones in the rock art of the Soutpansberg 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 10-11
  • CJH Cnoops
  • EB Eastwood
Another trumpeter in the Matopos 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 11-12
  • Peter Genge
[Comments on 'A.R. Willcox and J.D. Lewis-Williams: crucial differences' by RG Bednarik in Pictogram 1994 (6:2) 23-5; with reply by Bednarik, see above] 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 16-17
  • Simon Hall
The petroglyphs of Kalaoa O'oma, Hawai'i island 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 4-8
  • Georgia Lee
Some expressions of San derived concepts in the beliefs of Nguni traditionalists 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 1-3
  • Frans Prins
  • H Lewis
'Ginger' Townley Johnson - a tribute 1995 Pictogram 7 (2): 23
  • Herbert Woodhouse
Disselfontein and a rock art mystery reviewed 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 10-13
  • David Morris
  • K Fourshe
Source figures 1994 Pictogram 7 (1): 23
  • H C Woodhouse
Squatting figures in the rock art of southern Africa 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 40-44
  • H C Woodhouse
Obituary: Alex Willcox [1911 - 1.9.1993] 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 3
  • H C Woodhouse
Early copies as an indicator of rock art deterioration 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 36-7
  • T M O'C Maggs
  • V Ward
Battle scene from Marondera, Zimbabwe 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 38-9
  • C E Thornycroft
A Namibian remembers [AR Willcox, 1911-1993] 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 25
  • G Stadtherr
On painters and paintings: the implications of identity and ideological change at Ngcengane 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 4-9
  • F E Prins
The Canadian ribstone petroglyphs 1994 Pictogram 7 (1): 12-17
  • E B Parkman
Colour rendition in the photography of painted rock art 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 14-15
  • G Newlands
Dating the Collingham Shelter rock paintings 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 33-5
  • A D Mazel
A.R. Willcox and J.D. Lewis-Williams: crucial differences 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 23-25
  • R G Bednarik
Rock art analysis, recording and conservation conflict 1994 Pictogram 7 (1): 7-12
  • R G Bednarik
Arrows in bandeaux 1994 Pictogram 6 (2): 26-31
  • F Berger