Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Interpreting patterns of growth and development among past populations 2000 Perspectives in human biology 5 (1): 1-11
  • Stanley J. Ulijaszek
A comparison of the protein content of human milk and infant formulae 2000 Perspectives in human biology 5 (1): 13-17
  • Jill L. Sheriff
  • Peter E. Hartmann
The development of waist-to-hip ratio preferences 2000 Perspectives in human biology 5 (1): 19-29
  • Jennifer M. Connolly
  • Linda Mealey
  • Virginia Slaughter
Medicinal use of cycads (cycas spp.) in New Guinea and neighbouring islands 2000 Perspectives in human biology 5 (1): 31-41
  • Peter Obendorf
  • Peter S. Spencer
The affinities of the Klaises river mouth remains 2000 Perspectives in human biology 5 (1): 43-53
  • Alan Thorne
  • Colin Groves
Biomechanics of the tendon /bone interface 2000 Perspectives in human biology 5 (1): 55-68
  • Charles E. Oxnard
  • Jens Hirschberg
  • Nick Milne
Intracranial volume of patients with craniosynostosis: preliminary results 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 167-72
  • Amanda H. Abbott
  • David J. David
  • David J. Netherway
  • Mark H. Moore
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Dental arch forms in south Pacific populations 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 119-26
  • Eisaku Kanazawa
  • Hirofumi Aboshi
  • Kazutaka Kasao
  • Tadashi Ozaki
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Functional morphology of the nuchal area in Javanese Homo erectus, Sangiran 17, and a giant Sumo wrestler, the late Mr Dewagatake 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 81-8
  • Fachroel Aziz
  • Hisao Baba
  • Shuichiro Narasaki
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Facial profiles: population standards and variability 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 135-44
  • Tasman Brown
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Switching the handedness of adults: results of 10 weeks training of the non-dominant hand 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 211-17
  • Jamie A. Chapman
  • Maciej Henneberg
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Evolutionary changes in body size from mesozoic mammals to Homo: a review and the search for a possible mechanism of a selective secular trend 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 133-43
  • Brunetto Chiarelli
  • Giuseppe D'Amore
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint in children with class II division 1 malocclusion 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 145-54
  • Grant C. Townsend
  • Kanoknart Chintakanon
  • Kemal S. Türker
  • Tom Wilkinson
  • Wayne J. Sampson
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Environmental aspects of low birth weight: the Lublin studies 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 105-11
  • Hanna Chrząstek-Spruch
  • Maria Kozłowska
  • Wanda Furmaga-Jabłonska
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Assessment of biochemical indices of atherosclerosis risk in children 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 125-32
  • Elzbieta Pac-Kożuchowska
  • Hanna Chrząstek-Spruch
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Stature and craniometric trends of 18th and 20th century [coloured] adults in Cape Town, South Africa 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 167-73
  • Deborah Constant
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Taphonomic factors bearing on the recovery and dating of early homind remains from eastern and southern Africa 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 27-39
  • Darren Curnoe
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Handedness in twins: the search for genetic and environmental causes 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 37-44
  • Grant Townsend
  • Lindsay Richards
  • Paula Dempsey
  • Wendy Schwerdt
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Insights into the genetic basis of human dental variation from statistical modelling analyses 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 9-17
  • Grant C. Townsend
  • Nick G. Martin
  • Paula J. Dempsey
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
François Péron in Australia (1801-1803): old and modern views in anthropology and ecology 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 139-44
  • Albert Ducros
  • Jaqueline Ducros
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Seasonal variations of twin maternities in Denmark: secular and regional differences 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 213-21
  • Aldur W. Eriksson
  • Johan Fellman
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Secular changes in the seasonal patterns of births in Nordic countries 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 203-12
  • Aldur W. Eriksson
  • Johan Fellman
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Is myopia related to stature and other body measurements? A study of 10 populations in Europe, Asia and North America 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 89-99
  • Aldur W. Eriksson
  • Henrik Forsius
  • Johan Fellman
  • Karin Mark
  • Pauli Kajanoja
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Longitudinal analysis of head growth in children born with low birth weight 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 23-32
  • Hanna Chrząstek-Spruch
  • Maria Kozłowska
  • Wanda Furmaga-Jabłońska
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Human evolution and violence 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 13-25
  • Santiago Genovés
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
The advantages and disadvantages of being domesticated 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 1-12
  • Colin P. Groves
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Varying effects of socio-economic categories on the growth of urban and rural South African [Cape Coloured] boys 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 41-9
  • Maciej Henneberg
  • Marquisa LaVelle
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Variation in the closure of the sacral canal in the skeletal sample from Pompeii, Italy, 79 AD 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 177-88
  • Maciej Henneberg
  • Renata J. Henneberg
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Synthetic growth reference charts 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 87-103
  • Christian Thiel
  • Erico von Büren
  • Jens Burmeister
  • Michael Hermanussen
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Endemic tuberculosis among nineteenth century Cree in the central Canadian Subarctic 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 189-99
  • D. Ann Herring
  • Robert D. Hoppa
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
A possible physiological role of the face as a thermosensor in an ancient water ape and in present day humans 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 41-6
  • Boris Holm
  • Erika Schagatay
  • Johan Andersson
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Nonmetric cranial variation of the Ainu and neighbouring human populations 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 127-38
  • Hajime Ishida
  • Osamu Kondo
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
A three-dimensional study of the deciduous and permanent molars in Australian Aborigines 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 103-8
  • Grant C. Townsend
  • Ikuo Kageyama
  • John T. Mayhall
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
The interpretation of microwear detail on human teeth: mastication or tooth grinding? 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 85-91
  • Grant Townsend
  • John Kaidonis
  • Lindsay Richards
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Basicranial flexion and glenoidal morphology in humans 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 127-33
  • Francis Thackeray
  • George Dias
  • Jules Kieser
  • Nicky Panting
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Skeletal maturity and growth of children in two section of Tokyo in the 1960s 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 181-7
  • Kunihiko Kimura
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Secular changes in the body height of Latvian conscripts during the last 122 years 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 175-80
  • Dzanna Krumina
  • Inese Kokare
  • Janis Vetra
  • Uldis Teibe
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
The size of the crown components of the mandibular molars in the Cook islanders 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (3): 109-17
  • Eizo Wakatsuki
  • Hiroyuki Yamada
  • Koh Nakajima
  • Shintaro Kondo
in thematic issue 'Dento-facial variation in perspective'
Morphological and densitometric changes in Japanese femoral bone with age 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 201-5
  • Eriko Kuroda
  • Hidetsugu Ohara
  • Masa Yoshi Konishi
  • Masahisa Shimada
  • Sotaro Iwamoto
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Length and weight of newborns in Riga, Latvia 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 15-21
  • Dzanna Krumina
  • Inese Kokare
  • Janis Vetra
  • Uldis Teibe
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Leptin as a new indicator of body fat status in lean prepubertal girls 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 119-24
  • Beata Kulik-Rechberger
  • Hanna Chrząstek-Spruch
  • Maria Kozłowska
  • Tomasz Rechberger
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
A possible intergenerational trend in the frequency of dermatoglyphic patterns 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 229-34
  • Kosette M. Lambert
  • Maciej Henneberg
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Fouling and cleansing our nest: human-induced ecological determinants of infectious disease 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 145-57
  • John Last
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
A sustainable lifestyle and the information society 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 231-5
  • Tonu Lausmaa
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Human growth and continuing evolution in modern human populations 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 1-13
  • Marquisa LaVelle
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Pre-contact health along the Murray river, Australia: a re-appraisal 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 167-76
  • Judith Littleton
  • Michael Green
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Does seasonal variation in month of birth contribute to seasonality of menarche? 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 67-75
  • Graham J Louw
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
The incidence of the median artery in the forearms of Malaysians 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (2): 223-8
  • Maciej Henneberg
  • Othman Mansor
  • Zakaria Kassim
in special issue 'Child growth, secular trends and continuing human evolution'
Presence of infectious diseases in ancient populations in Hungary 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 159-65
  • Antonia Marcsik
  • Gyorgy Pálfi
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'
Comparative study of the [Perak man], early holocene human skeleton from Malaysia, with the prehistoric and modern southeast Asians and Australians 1999 Perspectives in human biology 4 (1): 121-5
  • Ang Bee Huat
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
  • Zuraina Majid
in monographic issue 'Is human evolution a closed chapter?'