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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Peasants and hegemony in the work of James C. Scott 1992 Peasant studies 19 (3/4): 179-201
  • Haroon H Akram-Lodhi
Peasants, power and reform in China under Deng Xiaoping 1992 Peasant studies 19 (3/4): 229-33
  • Thomas P Bernstein
Opium and labor: social structure and economic change in the Lisu highlands 1992 Peasant studies 19 (3/4): 147-77
  • AY Dessaint
  • William Y Y Dessaint
Arbeiter Bauer Gemeinden ohne Bauern (worker-peasant communities without peasants) 1992 Peasant studies 19 (2): 113-28
  • S H Franklin
The agrarian roots of economic expansion 1992 Peasant studies 19 (2): 93-111
  • R Grabowski
Some thoughts on slavery and the meaning of freedom 1992 Peasant studies 19 (3/4): 211-27
  • Christine Hunefeldt
Peasant farmers and community norms: agricultural labor exchange in Laos 1992 Peasant studies 19 (2): 67-92
  • W R Ireson
Cultivating peasant discourse 1992 Peasant studies 19 (2): 129-38
  • Jay O'Brien
Afro-Brazilian slaves as victims and agents 1992 Peasant studies 19 (3/4): 203-9
  • Robert Brent B Toplin
Uprisings in Mexico during the post-revolutionary period 1991 Peasant studies 18 (3): 199-208
  • C Martinez Assad
Moral economy and the Chinese revolution 1991 Peasant studies 18 (2): 65-96
  • S C Averill
Women and economic change in rural Mexico 1991 Peasant studies 19 (1): 5-20
  • C H Browner
Shifting legitimacies and economic change: the State and contemporary Costa Rican peasant movements 1991 Peasant studies 18 (4): 221-49
  • M Edelman
Continuity and discontinuity: history and process in the saga of a Swedish family 1991 Peasant studies 18 (3): 149-97
  • J H Hamer
Early guerrilla struggle in the Philippines [review article on 'Battle for Batangas: a Philippine province at war' by GA May (New Haven: Yale Univ Pr, 1991)] 1991 Peasant studies 19 (1): 39-48
  • J A Larkin
Ayacucho blues 1991 Peasant studies 19 (1): 49-59
  • Enrique Mayer
Rural Russia redux 1991 Peasant studies 18 (2): 117-29
  • D L Ransel
Autocratic State and labor control in the Argentine pampas. Buenos Aires, 1829-1852 1991 Peasant studies 18 (4): 251-78
  • R D Salvatore
Indians in the halls of academe: rural Andean peoples confront social science 1991 Peasant studies 18 (2): 97-116
  • B Schroder
The Spanish civil war: new questions for old? 1991 Peasant studies 18 (4): 279-90
  • A Shubert
Risk and survival in ancient Greece [by TW Gallant (Stanford: Stanford Univ Pr, 1991); review article] 1991 Peasant studies 18 (3): 209-12
  • C G Starr
Networking the State: rural elites, peasants, and the creation of the People's Republic of China 1991 Peasant studies 19 (1): 21-38
  • R R Thompson
Local government and rural industrialization in China [review article on 'China's rural industry' eds WA Byrd and Lin Qingsong (Oxford: Oxford Univ Pr, 1990)] 1991 Peasant studies 18 (2): 131-41
  • D L Yang
Economic change and rural violence: homicides related to disputes over property rights in Guangdong during the eighteenth century 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 233-59
  • thomas Buoye
The great grain dilemma: peasants and State policy in revolutionary Nicaragua 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 96-120
  • Elizabeth Dore
Millenial rebels in colonial Laos 1990 Peasant studies 18 (1): 53-7
  • Grant Evans
An old question revisited: was the glass half-full or half-empty for China's agriculture before 1949? 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 207-16
  • Albert Feuerwerker
The problem of Bolsheviks, 'poor peasants', and the village: a new study of the Russian peasantry in revolution 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 261-78
  • Sheila Fitzpatrick
The Spanish disentailment reconsidered: a new look at the old regime 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 73-95
  • David D Gilmore
Socialist anthropology in Laos: an anthropology of socialist Laos - a review article 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 295-301
  • Geoffrey C Gunn
Culture and economy in a southeast Asian periphery 1990 Peasant studies 18 (1): 27-38
  • R W Hefner
Peasant political studies and the Egyptian case 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 287-93
  • Raymond A Hinnebusch
Peasant routes in France and Vietnam 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 141-9
  • David Hunt
Hegemony and repression in rural Guatemala, 1871-194O 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 157-77
  • David McCreery
Mediating between peasants and political action: opportunities found and lost in Russia, 19O5 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 279-86
  • Louise McReynolds
Communal property and peasant revolutionary struggles in Vietnam 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 121-40
  • Vinh Long Ngo
Food supply in a time of troubles: grain procurement and the Russian revolution 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 217-25
  • Maureen Perrie
The art of folk revolution: a review essay on Mao Zedong's 193O report on Xunwu 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 5-206
  • Roxann Prazniak
Dreams, psychoses, and reality 1990 Peasant studies 17 (): 179-93
  • James C Riley
The development of China's peasant economy: a new formulation of old problems [review article on 'Peasant family and rural development in the Yangzi delta' by PCC Huang (Stanford: Stanford Univ Pr, 1990)] 1990 Peasant studies 18 (1): 5-26
  • R B Wong
Patrons, clients, and the exploitation of the Chinese peasantry: a review essay 1990 Peasant studies 18 (1): 39-51
  • D Zweig
Good news comes to a Russian village: the peasant articles of Kharkov and the emancipation of the serfs 1989 Peasant studies 17 (): 23-42
  • Thomas M Barrett
Cardenistas, campesinos, and the weapons of the weak: the limits of everyday resistance in Michoacán, Mexico 1934-194O 1989 Peasant studies 16 (): 233-50
  • Marjorie Becker
How do French peasants vote? 1989 Peasant studies 16 (): 107-22
  • Laird Boswell
Peasants and kings: the limits of conventional wisdom 1989 Peasant studies 16 (): 123-31
  • William Brustein
Changing land tenure systems in Nigeria 1989 Peasant studies 17 (): 43-54
  • Enwere Dike
The political economy of agricultural production in Africa: State, capital and the peasantry 1989 Peasant studies 16 (): 87-105
  • R Ayo Dunmoye
Popular culture in the rewriting of history: an essay in comparative history and historiography 1989 Peasant studies 16 (): 169-98
  • Sandria B Freitag
Peasant protest and cultural transformation in southern Bolivia 1989 Peasant studies 17 (): 55-60
  • Lesley Gill
Law and society in rural Mexico 1989 Peasant studies 16 (): 211-18
  • Carol J Greenhouse