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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
[The 'silk' route from Hierapolis to Serica (Central Asian section)] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 125-40
  • I V P'yankov
[The population of Bazar-dara and its links] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 161-73
  • T P Kiyatkina
[The areal of ancient Pamir culture] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 102-22
  • B A Litvinsky
[Change in the appearance of the Gornobadakhshan dwelling according to its location] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 174-82
  • M Kh Mamadnazarov
[Constructional and functional peculiarities of the Gornobadakhshan stepped dwelling house ceilings] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 183-202
  • M Kh Mamadnazarov
  • YuYa Yakubov
[The magic, symbolic and healing qualities of precious stones according to Persian mineralogical works of the 12th-17th centuries] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 22-33
  • G P Mikhalevich
[Traditional harvest tools of western Pamir peasants in the 19th to the beginning of the 2Oth century] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 203-11
  • I Mukhitdinov
[The culture of western Pamir at the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 2Oth centuries] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 7-22
  • R Odilbekova
[The mountain gods of Tibet] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 211-35
  • YeD Ogneva
[Pamir lexicography and its perspectives] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 251-63
  • D Karamshoyev
[On the question concerning the Saks in the Pamirs] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 122-5
  • I V P'yankov
[Some questions concerning the settling of the Pamirs in antiquity] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 88-102
  • V A Ranov
[The 'dzhuraby' (knitted woollen stockings) of Pamir (Vanch, Ishkashim)] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 298-311
  • N Z Yunusova
[Marriage in one large family in Shugnan] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 236-50
  • Z Yusufbekova
[I.I. Zarubin in the Pamirs] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 34-49
  • Sh Yusupov
[G.A. Shpil'ko and his research on Sarez, the village inundated by an earthquake in 1911] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 50-7
  • Sh Yusupov
[On the harmonic construction of instrumental music in Gornyy Badakhshan] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 311-27
  • G Yusupova
[Characteristics of Pamir personal names] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 263-85
  • D Karamshoyev
[On the semantic analysis of Pamir toponyms; colour designatory terms] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 285-97
  • R Kh Dodykhudoyev
[Mediaeval graveyards in lOth-llth century Pamir (on the question of beliefs)] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 140-60
  • M A Bubnova
[The archaeology of the Pamirs in the last 4O years] 1985 Pamirovedeniye (): 58-87
  • M A Bubnova
[Chemical compositions of 11th century glass from the Bazar-Dara settlement (eastern Pamirs)] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 121-9
  • A A Abdurazakov
  • M A Bubnova
[A new stone age culture in the eastern Pamir] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 98-103
  • V A Zhukov
[Folk instrumental music from Gornyy Badakhshan (from data of the Pamir expeditions in 1975-1977 and 1979)] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 7-204
  • S Yusupova
[The 'dargilik' as an independent genre in Badakhshan folklore] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 187-96
  • N Shakarmamadov
[The stone age in the vale of Kashmir] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 76-97
  • V A Ranov
[The Askatakai-Scythians and the eastern Kaspioi] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 107-20
  • I V P'yankov
[The popular agricultural calendar of Pamir Tadzhiks (19th to the beginning of the 2Oth centuries)] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 153-62
  • I Mukhitdinov
[Craniological material from the western Pamirs] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 135-44
  • T P Kiyatkina
[Basic stages in the development of Pamir philology] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 163-86
  • D Karamshoyev
[llth century amber ware from the eastern Pamirs] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 130-4
  • I A Polovnikova
  • M A Bubnova
[Tadzhik women's dress of traditional style, from the Pamirs] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 145-52
  • L Bakhtovarshoyeva
[A bronze spear tip from the burial ground at Yuzhbok (western Pamir)] 1984 Pamirovedeniye (): 104-6
  • A D Babayev
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