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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Lack of RH C/E expression in the Rhesus D-- phenotype is the result of a gene deletion 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (1): 19-24
  • T Blunt
Genetic and environmental effects on coronary heart disease risk factors in northern Norway. The cardiovascular disease study in Finnmark 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (4): 369-79
  • T Brenn
Genomic cloning and localization by FISH and linkage analysis of the human gene encoding the primary subunit NMDAR1 (GRIN1) of the NMDA receptor channel 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 95-100
  • P M Brett
Bootstrapping in human genetic linkage 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 129-43
  • J R W Yates
  • M N Chiano
Another procedure for the preliminary ordering of loci based on two point lod scores 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (1): 65-75
  • D Curtis
Using risk calculation to implement an extended relative pair analysis 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 151-62
  • D Curtis
  • P C Sham
The two locus problem 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 145-50
  • J H Edwards
Frequent normal allele loss and maternal origin of the mutation shown by DNA homoduplex analysis in a severely affected patient with adenomatous polyposis coli 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 101-6
  • J D A Delhanty
  • M Rees
  • S A Gayther
The effect of variation in the apolipoprotein B gene on plasma lipid and apolipoprotein B levels. 1, A likelihood-based approach to cladistic analysis 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (1): 35-64
  • D M Hallman
An Asp8Asn substitution results in the adenosine deaminase (ADA) genetic polymorphism (ADA 2 allozyme): occurrence on different chromosomal backgrounds and apparent intragenic crossover 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (1): 1-9
  • A Israni
  • D R Yang
  • R Hirschhorn
Physical mapping of 38 highly informative genetic markers to 10 intervals of chromosome 11q: integration of the physical and genetic maps 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 81-5
  • D Hunt
The "SON" gene encodes a conserved DNA binding protein mapping to human chromosome 21 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (1): 25-34
  • I M Khan
Genetic analysis of atopy and asthma as quantitative traits and ordered polychotomies 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (4): 359-68
  • S Lawrence
An algorithm for Monte Carlo estimation of genotype probabilities on complex pedigrees 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (4): 343-57
  • E A Thompson
  • E M Wijsman
  • Shili Lin
Evidence of mitochondrial DNA diversity in South American aboriginals 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (3): 265-73
  • M V Monsalve
Two loci for tuberous sclerosis: one on 9q34 and one on 16p13 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 107-27
  • S Povey
Age of onset in familial adenomatous polyposis: heterogeneity within families and among "APC" mutations 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (4): 331-42
  • S Presciuttini
Genetic epidemiology of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndromes in Modena, Italy: results of a complex segregation analysis 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (3): 275-95
  • C Scapoli
The distribution of Q: a powerful sibship test of association 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (2): 163-73
  • J R Green
  • S Shah
Disease susceptibility genes and the sib-pair method: a review of recent methodology 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (4): 381-95
  • J R Green
  • S Shah
The genetic affinity of Polynesians: evidence from Y chromosome polymorphisms 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (3): 251-63
  • A B Spurdle
A note on testing the Hardy-Weinberg law across strata 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (4): 397-402
  • J F Troendle
  • K F Yu
Consanguineous marriage in Turkey and its impact on fertility and mortality 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (4): 321-9
  • E Tunçbílek
  • I Koc
'SZ like' 1-antitrypsin phenotypes in PI ZZ children with liver disease 1994 Annals of human genetics 58 (1): 11-17
  • D B Whitehouse
The common, Near-Eastern origin of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews supported by Y-chromosome similarity 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (1): 55-64
  • A S Santachiara Benerecetti
Identification and regional localization of a highly polymorphic dinucleotide repeat D11S614 to the interval in 11q23.3 flanked by recurrent translocation breakpoints 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 281-4
  • F Benham
Rh null phenotypes are not due to a gross deletion and can occur on different Rh genetic backgrounds 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 273-9
  • B Carritt
DOLINK - a computer program to facilitate management of genetic data and analyses 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 307-10
  • C C H Cook
  • D Curtis
  • H M D Gurling
Segregation and linkage analysis in five manic depression pedigrees excludes the 5HT1a receptor gene ("HTR1A") 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (1): 27-39
  • D Curtis
Mapping of RXRB to human chromosome 6p21.3 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (3): 203-9
  • J Fitzgibbon
Description of a dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in the human elastin gene and its use to confirm assignment of the gene to chromosome 7 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (2): 87-96
  • K Foster
Germline rearrangement of "MCC" and "APC" detected by pulsed field gel electrophoresis and fluorescent "in situ" hybridization 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (3): 169-78
  • S Gayther
Germline rearrangement of "MCC" and "APC" detected by pulsed field gel electrophoresis and fluorescent "in situ" hybridizationin "Ann hum Genet" 1993 (57:3) 169-78; erratum 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 311
  • S Gayther
Human regeneration protein/lithostathine genes map to chromosome 2p12 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (1): 9-16
  • B Gharib
Power comparison of various sibship tests of association 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (2): 151-8
  • J R Green
  • S Shah
Regional localization of the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase gene, "LCT", to chromosome 2q21 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (3): 179-85
  • C B Harvey
A new approach for interpreting the genetic diversity in space: 'mobile site method'. Application to Gm haplotype distribution of twenty-seven Amerindian tribes from North and Central America 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (3): 221-37
  • S Hazout
How much difference does chromosome banding make? in "Ann hum Genet" 1989 (53;3) 237-42: errata 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (1): 83
  • A M Willey
  • E B Hook
  • N P Healy
Localization of the retinoid X receptor alpha gene (RXRA) to chromosome 9q34 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (3): 195-201
  • K A Jones
Estimating the correlation among siblings 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 297-305
  • K J Keen
Genetic polymorphism in the 3' untranslated region of human phosphoglucomutase-1 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (1): 1-8
  • R E March
Testing the Hardy-Weinberg law across strata 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 291-5
  • J M Olson
Optical density profile analysis of trypsin-Giemsa bands in human X-chromosomes 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (2): 117-21
  • E Pásaro
  • J Méndez
  • R Fernández
Localization of the Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (uromodulin) gene to chromosome 16p12.3-16p13.11 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 285-90
  • M A Pook
Correlation between relatives for colorectal cancer mortality in familial adenomatous polyposis 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (2): 105-15
  • S Presciuttini
Molecular genetic evidence for the delineation of a more severe form of familial adenomatous polyposis which results from fresh mutation 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (2): 97-104
  • M Rees
Testing for haplotype concordance with incomplete parental data - modified Q and correction for modified N [further to JR Green and DM Grennan in "Ann hum Genet" 1991 (55;3) 243-9] 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (3): 239-47
  • J R Green
  • S Shah
An RFLP map for 2q33-q37 from multicase mycobacterial and leishmanial disease families: no evidence for an "Lsh/Ity/Bcg" gene homologue influencing susceptibility to leprosy 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (4): 251-71
  • M A Shaw
Complex polymorphisms are revealed by Y chromosome probe 49a with "Bgl"II, "Hind"III, "Pst"I and "Sst"I 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (1): 41-53
  • A B Spurdle
  • Trefor Jenkins
Estimation of the intraclass correlation coefficient 1993 Annals of human genetics 57 (2): 159-65
  • M S Srivastava